Baboró International Arts Festival for Children is the registered trading name of Baboró Galway International Children’s Festival Limited.
Baboró is a registered charity (20043834) and is committed to complying with the principles of good fundraising. We are a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital and no members. We are governed by a voluntary Board of Directors.
We are committed to comply with the charity SORP. Senior staff salaries are as follows:
Band: €50,000-€60,000 - Number of employees: 1
Band: €40,000-€50,000 - Number of employees: 1
Band: €30,000-€40,000 - Number of employees: 2
Statements & Articles
The organisation keeps detailed books and records of accounts and maintains strict financial controls. The organisation is transparent in its audited financial statements. Recent statements and articles can be found here:
2022 Audited Financial Statements (download pdf)
Memorandum and Articles of Association (download pdf)