What do a toddler and your average world leader have in common? Do some presidents throw fits in supermarket aisles? Or scream furiously until they get their own way?
In BullyBully two world leaders meet in no man’s land. What follows is an awkward encounter between two childish yet powerful adults who gradually get used to each other and eventually learn to meet in the middle.
This is a madcap musical about childish grown-up men featuring funny quarrels, songs, a bit of bickering and, eventually, a happy ending.
Maas Theater en Dans is a venue and company made up of professional makers that operate under the artistic supervision of René Geerlings. Maas makes theatre and dance experiences for children, teenagers, young adults and their family and friends. This enthusiastic, bold and vulnerable audience is always at the heart of our performances, programmes, education and talent development projects.
Supported by
Ionad urraithe ag
Venue | An Taibhdhearc
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