Creativity at the heart of every childhood

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Our purpose is to nurture children’s innate creativity and curiosity for the world around them through their experience of the creative arts.

Every child is valued and welcome at Baboró. We are working towards removing barriers facing children and artists and are committed to creating programmes where everyone feels welcomed, feels heard and is represented in our community.

Our Impact

Our 2023 festival reached an audience of 17,314 children and their carers. We are committed to continuing to make our annual festival and all of our programmes accessible to all.

You can learn more about what Baboró's festival and year round work here.
You can view our 2023 Year in Review here.

Festival Ticket Subsidy

81% of the cost of each ticket was subsidised to reduce the cost for families and schools.

Free Festival Tickets

1,024 free tickets were given to teachers, special needs assistants and children and families from disadvantaged communities.

Free Festival Workshop Places

435 children from schools and families participated in 16 free workshops.

Children Attended Festival Through Transport Subsidy

1,883 school children attended the festival travelled by transport subsidised by our School Bus Subsidy programme.

Children with intellectual disabilities and autism engaged

480 children with intellectual disabilities and autism in 2022 and 2023 through The Wonder Collective partnership with Phillida Eves’ Rosán Sensory Adventures.

Children engaged in the arts through year-round programmes

603 children were engaged in year-round Baboró school and community projects throughout 2023.

(numbers based on 2023 festival and projects)

Make a Donation

Click here to make a once off or recurring donation with your debit card, credit card or paypal account. Thank you!

Make a Donation

Partnerships and Sponsorships

If you would like some more information on ways to support Baboró please contact Aileen McCarthy on friends[@]

Baboró is a registered charity – we cannot do what we do without you!